Clerk Craft

Lamont Brooks
I have filed a dispute on the staffing of the Passport Centers and the use of Postal Support Employees performing passport acceptance.
It is the position of the Union, in accordance with 232 and 233 of the ELM, these duty assignments should be posted at a higher level.
It is also the Union’s position that a newly established Standard Position Description and Qualification Standard should be created.
In accordance with the State Department and Section 422 of the ASM, only permanent employees are allowed to perform passport acceptance duties.
There is currently no contractual requirement to place a passport acceptance yearly certification on any current standard position description/qualification standard. Currently the performance of passport agent duties is on a volunteer basis.
Under State Department regulations, the passport agent requires a very stringent yearly certification.
Under the State Department regulations, a passport agent can’t have a record of either:
A Federal or State felony conviction; or
A misdemeanor conviction for crimes involving moral turpitude or breach of trust, including but not limited to embezzlement, identity theft, misappropriation, document fraud, drug offenses, or dishonesty in carrying out a responsibility involving public trust.
They are required to certify on a yearly basis. This requirement alone justifies higher level pay. Employees should take heed to what they are volunteering for and the possible ramifications. Locals/employee should consider filing a grievance if an employee(s) is forced to perform passport duties.
In union solidarity, the struggle continues,
Lamont Brooks
Assistant Director
Clerk Division